What is the serialVersionUID ?

SerialVersionUID is a constant that uniquely identifies for a serializable class. The JVM checks this constant during the deserialization process when an object is being constructed from an input stream. If the object being read has a serialVersionUID different than the one specified in the class, the JVM throws an InvalidClassException.


SerialVersionUID is optional. That means the Java compiler will generate one if you don’t explicitly declare it.

Why should you declare a serialVersionUID explicitly?

The auto-generated serialVersionUID is calculated based on elements of the class: member variables, methods, constructors, etc. If one of these elements get change, the serialVersionUID will be changed as well.

For Example:-

  • You wrote a program that stores some objects of the Student class to a file and the Student class doesn’t have a serialVersionUID explicitly declared.
  • Later you update the Student class (e.g. added some methods/variables), and now the auto-generated serialVersionUID gets changed as well.
  • Your program fails to deserialize because there serialVersionUID are different. The JVM throws an InvalidClassException.

That’s why it’s recommended to add a serialVersionUID explicitly for a serializable class.

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